Friday, June 14, 2013


1. Discuss these questions in groups of 3 and then share the answers with other groups.

             Do you feel safe when you are online?

             Do you take any precautions? Which ones?

2. Read the following statements and say if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.

1. If you put too much information about yourself online, people you don't know may be able to find you.

2. It's not a good idea to make your profile private.

3. Using a nickname is better than using your real name.

4. It's OK to give your real age and also your mobile number.

5. Once you put a picture up on a site, it's online forever.

6. The safest thing to do on a social networking site is make it private, so only your friends can see it.

7. It's a good idea to allow strangers to have access to your site.

3. Read the information below and check your answers.

Social networking sites are all online, so any information you add about yourself can be seen by anyone in the world.

If you put too much information about yourself online, people you don't know may be able to find you.